
  I am food blog. This page includes information about food history, nutritional value and how to cook          easily. All types of Indian and world class food including cooking methods as mentioned It will                                           improve the joy in your cooking and smile in your eating.

All Recipes & Search

I am food blog. This page includes information about food history, nutritional value and how to cook easily. All types of Indian and world class food including cooking methods as mentioned  It will improve the joy in your cooking and smile in your eating.

Karaknath Chicken Curry Recipe | Black Chicken recipe

 History And Origin The special and native Karaknath chicken breed, scientifically named Gallus gallus domestics, originates from the tribal areas of central India, namely the states of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. Its roots are profoundly ingrained in these countries’ history and culture. This breed may have been around for generations, and its exact origins can […]